Links to the past

Ancestry Library edition.
Research your family history using Ancestry Library Edition, available for use on the library public computers.
Trove is provided by the National Library of Australia. Trove helps you find and use resources relating to Australia. Trove brings together content from libraries, museums, archives, repositories and other research and collecting organisations big and small.
Search digitised newspapers, pictures, music, diaries and more.
Tips for using the website are provided on the help section
Trove has digitised copies of the following years for local newspapers;
Barrier Daily Truth - 1908, 1941-1954
Barrier Miner - 1888-1954
If you are seeking information from the local newspapers for alternative years the Outback Archives contains copies on microfilm and recent editions are digital, contact staff or submit an enquiry form to view or receive a copy of these.
Broken Hill Cemetery
An online search facility is available.
A cemetery walk (map included) and cemetery map are also available to download.
Cemetery_Walk_Map.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Cemetery_Map.pdf(PDF, 383KB)
State Library of New South Wales
The library provides access to a range of online resources inlcuding articles, newspapers, manuscripts and images.
All New South Wales residents are eligible for a State Library NSW card.
State Library New South Wales eresources
National Archives of Australia
The National Archives of Australia can be best described as the memory of our nation - collecting and preserving Australian Government records that reflect our history and identity.
National Archives of Australia contains information for family history, information for researchers, research guides, and include wide range of historical topics in their collection.
National Archives
NSW Births, Deaths & Marriages
The records of births, deaths and marriages in New South Wales date from 1856 while early church records from 1788 to 1855 are also available. Search for births over 100 ago, deaths over 30 years ago and marriages over 50 years ago. The registry can conduct searches for you and provide family history transcriptions.
NSW Births, Deaths & Marriages
State Archives and Records New South Wales
Archives and Records provides getting started guides, census records, convict information, family history information and more.
State Archives & Records
Historical and Lands records viewer (HLRV)
The Historical and Land records viewer (HLRV) provides online access to more than 19 million images of historical maps, plans, titles, registers and indexes.
These records are the historical fabric of the founding days of the State of New South Wales.
The HLRV is provided and administered by NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS).
Historical and Lands records viewer