Standing Committees

Standing Committee Meetings have been reintroduced into the monthly Council Meeting process and will operate in accordance with Council’s adopted Code of Meeting Practice Policy.  Standing Committees are held for the purpose of considering and making recommendations to the monthly Council Meeting regarding reports from Council Officers.

The three Standing Committees are:

Works Committee – which will consider all matters relating to garbage services, parks and gardens, animal control and any other function the Council delegates.

Health and Building Committee – which will consider all matters relating to cultural activities, Library, Art Gallery, Geocentre and any other function the Council delegates.

Policy and General Committee – which will consider all matters relating to corporate services, heritage, tourism and any other function the Council delegates.

Standing Committee Meetings are open to the public to attend and will be held in the Council Chambers commencing at 5:30pm on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the week preceding the monthly Council Meeting.

The Business Papers for the Standing Committees will be published on Council’s website on the Friday of the week prior.

Below is a schedule of dates for Standing Committee Meetings for 2024:

Note:  Committee Meetings will not be held in January as per Council's Resolution.


Works Committee Meeting - Monday 19 February
Health and Building Committee Meeting - Tuesday 20 February
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 21 February

MARCH 2024
The Works Committee Meeting for March has been CANCELLED
Health and Building Committee Meeting - Tuesday 19 March
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 20 March

APRIL 2024
Works Committee Meeting - Monday 15 April
Health and Building Committee Meeting for April has been CANCELLED
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 17 April

MAY 2024
Works Committee Meeting - Monday 20 May
Health and Building Committee Meeting - Tuesday 21 May
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 22 May

JUNE 2024
Works Committee Meeting - Monday 17 June
Health and Building Committee Meeting for June has been CANCELLED
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 19 June

JULY 2024
Works Committee Meeting - Monday 22 July
Health and Building Committee Meeting - Tuesday 23 July
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 24 July

Works Committee Meeting for August has been CANCELLED
Health and Building Committee Meeting for August has been CANCELLED
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 21 August

CANCELLED - Due to Local Government Elections


CANCELLED - Due to Local Government Elections and the Councillor Induction Program


Works Committee Meeting - Monday 18 November
Health and Building Committee Meeting - Tuesday 19 November
Policy and General Committee Meeting - Wednesday 20 November

Dates to be confirmed by Council Resolution later in the year