Have your say on Council’s performance

Published on 30 May 2023

woman sitting on a couch with a cup of coffee talking on her phone

Locals will be able to rate Council's performance across a number of areas this week with the launch of the 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey.


The survey is being conducted in conjunction with Taverner Research, and will see 350 locals contacted at random by phone to give their feedback on various aspects of Council and the city itself.


Council's General Manager, Jay Nankivell, encouraged those who receive a call from Taverner to take the time to give Council honest feedback.


"This feedback is extremely valuable across a number of Council departments, and allows us to understand which aspects of Council's services residents are happy or unhappy with," he said.


"The data will be used to inform everything from our operations and communications, through to ongoing strategic plans that shape our future.


"We understand not everyone likes to be contacted at random, but if you are one of the 350 who receive a call from Taverner, we would really appreciate 15 minutes of your time to tell us your thoughts."


Taverner Research representatives will be contacting locals between 4pm to 8pm on weekdays and 10am to 4pm on weekends over a two-week period, starting June 1.


"We hope as many people as possible take the opportunity to tell us how we can improve things in both the short and long term," said Mr Nankivell.


"Any information provided will help us better meet the community's needs now and into the future."


All results from the Community Satisfaction Survey will be made available to the public on Council’s website upon completion.